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Check out our new whitepaper!

20% of additional revenue for publishers with virtually no effort? What sounds almost too good to be true, is the focal point of Yieldlove’s brand new whitepaper that is available for free.

Informations sur les annonces

Don’t miss out on Interstitial Ads

Google’s Interstitial Ad is a popular format that our publishers have been seeing a lot of success with, so

Actualités de l'entreprise parle français maintenant !

Bonjour et bienvenue sur la version française de ! Nous avons été très pris par la mise à

Actualités de l'entreprise

Météo 60 et Yieldlove célèbrent leurs 6 ans de collaboration

L'heure est à la célébration ! Météo 60, l'un des sites Internet français les plus réputés en matière

The Top 6 Ad Tech Trends for 2022
The Top 6 Ad Tech Trends for 2022
Actualités du marché

The Top 6 Ad Tech Trends for 2022 and beyond – Part 2

Welcome back to our blog post special about the upcoming and most important trends the ad tech industry will

The Top 6 Ad Tech Trends for 2022
The Top 6 Ad Tech Trends for 2022
Actualités du marché

The Top 6 Ad Tech Trends for 2022 and beyond – Part 1

One of our most important tasks at Yieldlove is to keep a close eye on the ad tech market and making sure partners with Yieldlove partners with Yieldlove
Actualités de l'entreprise

Yieldlove takes over the exclusive marketing of

We are very happy to announce that since January 2022, we are responsible for marketing exclusively.